Prof. Dr. Albrecht Rohrmann Siegen University

Associate Prof.Dr.Osman Tutal

Anadolu University
Matthias Kempf M.A. Siegen University
Taner AÇIKEL İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality,Responsible of Disabled Centres
Assistant Prof.Dr.Suvat Parin YYU Department of Sociology
Assistant Prof.Dr. Serkan KEMEÇ YYU Department of City and Regional Planning
Assistant Prof.Dr. M. Sedat BEKİROĞLU YYU - Department of Architecture
Ahmet Turan Gülhaş Director of Van Directorate of Highways
Ersin Taşlıalan Director of Van Directorate of Environment and Urban Planning
Taner Açıkel İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality Responsible of Disable Centers




Adres:            Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü, 65080, Kampüs / VAN

Telefon:          +90 432 225 17 01-05 (Santral)

+90 432 225 10 91 (Öğrenci İşleri)


+90 432 486 54 13